
1. Goals of this lab

As a Platform Engineer at Parasol Insurance, the first step in your AI journey will be to use RHEL AI (Red Hat’s foundation model platform to seamlessly develop, test, and run LLMs for enterprise applications) and Podman Desktop AI Lab extension to discover and experiment with a variety of generative AI models and understand the relationship between model, model server, and the application. The goal of this exercise is to equip you with the basic knowledge and skills for working with AI apps and models, understand their underlying mechanisms, and see examples of application integration with the underlying model.

2. Run podman desktop

Introduction to gen AI + discover and experiment with gen AI models and AI applications on the local desktop, in an inner loop

3. TBD

3.1. TBD

4. Start a playground, chat with it

5. Kill playground, try text summarization recipe, upload claim PDF, view summarization

6. Open summarization app (python) in vscode, inspect code (briefly)

7. Change the prompt, restart, and observe changes.

8. Conclusion

We hope you have enjoyed this module!

Here is a quick summary of what we have learned:

  • TBD

  • TBD

  • TBD